
Showing posts from August, 2017

PEPFAR and The Global Fund approaches to Civil Society TA

Ambassador Goosby, speaking at the April 2011 Civil Society Hearing of the United Nations in New York, referred to the civil society and community implementers being ‘more effective’ and ‘better placed’ for the delivery of services. As the Global AIDS Coordinator of the US Government PEPFAR he had taken on the programme that had run since 2005 called the New Partners Initiative. The New Partners Initiative (NPI) made its first awards in 2006 to 23 prime recipients. The second round (mid 2008) and third round of awards (early 2009) brought the number of prime recipients to 53 organisations. Each received three year awards with annual values of US$500,000 to US$1 million. Many of the prime organisations reflected the original announcement by President Bush on WAD December 1, 2005: “ This new initiative will establish a competitive grants process for new partners, including faith- and community-based organizations, with the desire and ability to help implement PEPFAR, but who have li