Income generating activities - volunteer intern wanted

Description: Hope Clinic Lukuli and Kinawataka Women's Initiative have formed a partnership to expand the number of women and households who can prepare and weave waste plastic drinking straws into lengths of 'material'. This material is then used to make mats and shopping/ sports bags to replace disposable plastic bags. All sale proceeds from the products are paid to the weavers/ bag makers.

The volunteer post is to 'make this happen'. Support the marketing, liase with customers, help the women organise into production and finishing teams and create links to buyers in Europe and North America

- Living in Kampala, a friendly city in East Africa
- Helping women in households on low income to generate their own earnings for food and education
- Reducing waste that pollutes water sources and block rain drains (that otherwise lead to floods)
- Supporting a philanthropic health centre to address income needs of its community

Qualifications: The volunteer should be a graduate or have over three years of experience in a trading or retail business. The role of Income Generating Activity (IGA) Coordinator draws on skills of customer service, product quality control, marketing to developed world customers and a willingness to build the skills amongst women to access these markets. English would be the language of work.

Languages :
  • English

Cost in US$: 2000

Cost Includes :
  • International travel
Cost Include Description:
Volunteers should plan and pay for international travel to Uganda. Suitable, safe accommodation can be provided near the clinic. Volunteers are asked to pay for their own meals and incidental costs

Experience Required: yes

Experience of planning an income generating activity or business or coordinating a local event/ relief effort

Volunteer Types :
  • AIDS
  • business
  • economic development
  • health
  • income-generation
  • micro-enterprise
  • natural resources
  • orphans
  • small business development
  • women

Typical Volunteer: Graduate or medical trainee, Peace Corps Volunteer or VSO. Some experience travelling in Africa or developing world.

Age Range: adults

This Program is open to American, Asian, Australian, Canadian, European, Kiwi and South African Participants. This Program is also open to Couples and Individuals

Typical Living Arrangements :
  • Home-stays

Participants Travel to Uganda Independently

Typically Participants Work Independently

Application Process Involves:

  • Written Application

Hope Clinic Lukuli's Mission Statement: Hope Clinic Lukuli was formed by six Ugandans and two resident Britons who wanted to support a dedicated midwife in providing services for children and adults, particularly related to fevers, dehydration and pregnancy. Our mission/ purpose has been formalised as: That people living near the clinic receive the medical information and treatment they require at a price they can afford and thereby have an improved medical history and general lifestyle". None of the founders/ managers receive any payment from the clinic or its work. Our website decribes the growth and current programmes as well as including articles and tv features of the impact we are having on people's lives.

Year Founded: 2000


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