Strawbags – so many benefits for makers, users and the environment

List the things you know about plastic: • It is made from fossil fuels (oil) and so each new bag is from a finite resource • Governments encourage us to use fewer bags – some ban their importation • Shops help us change our habits by charging us for thin bags • Cheap, thin bags break and go in the bin • Things you put in the bin are burnt or buried – both are bad for the environment • Drop a bag on the ground and it blocks a drain or chokes an animal Remember what a responsible person should do? It is ‘Green’ and saves you money: Reduce the use of resources that are finite Re-use items, find a second or third job for things you own Recycle, efficiently, what can’t be re-used anymore Kinawataka Women’s Initiative is based in a village that has become a suburb of Kampala, in Uganda. As well as thin plastic bags blocking the drains - that are so necessary in fertile Uganda with two rainy seasons – the women found plastic drinking straws that had been used for locally made juices in a bag...